"John D. Giorgis" wrote:
> At 01:08 AM 7/25/2003 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
> >> Why do you think that Osama bin Laden objects to the
> >> same things about American foreign policy that you do?
> >
> >       That's not a fair tactic in an argument.
> Actually, I think that it is the most salient thing that Gautam has had to
> say in this argument.

        It is a form of ad hominem attack.  And we do not object 
to the same things.  He seems to object to most of our constitution,
while I do not.  BUT he probably also objects to large amounts of 
US meddling in the Middle East, from installing the Shah of Iran on.
On these issues, I do agree with him.
        Now would you two stop mischaracterizing my position and
attacking strawmen?

> >>  We aren't dealing with an opponent
> >> that wants rational things - we are dealing with a
> >> pathology.  

        No.  We are dealing with a pathological minority, backed
up by a large sector of public opinion in the Middle East.  If 
we clean up our act, public opinion there will change.  When it
does, most of the support for Al Qaeda will dry up.

> Please detail which of the Al Qaeda members who have attacked the US over
> the past 10 years you consider to have, quote, "reasonable concerns," and
> what these concerns are.

        Oh, they all had some, all mixed together with the rest
of their craziness.  But this is a silly way to argue about this
issue.  We would do much better discussing the concerns of moderate
Arabs (most of which are of course shared by the crazies).

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