On 27 Jul 2003 at 15:59, Julia Thompson wrote:

> Also, how much longer will Moore's Law hold?  It gets to where part of
> what's making things faster is that the size of components on a chip
> are shrinking; there's some finite limit to that beyond which
> shrinking is impossible.  Then we have to use other methods on the
> same hardware to increase speed, or go in a totally different
> direction with it.

Some other directions ARE being explored. For example, IBM has purely 
optical chips in development. I seem to remember them demonstrating 
one running at ~200Mhz about a year back.

And there are other things as well as optic paths on motherboards, 
evolveware and so on. I think we're going to see things handed off 
more to specalist sub-CPU's and for massively enhanced bus 
bandwidths. Could be wrong of course, but we'll see.

Dawn Falcon


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