Last week I've seen a BBC documentary on a single parent family with 7 kids. Of these 7, 4 kids (the boys) had various hereditary disfunctions/diseases/handicaps. One thing they had in common was that they all had autism in one form or another, with dyslexia being just one of the problems that having autism can result in. (not sure this is gramatically correct or even makes sense :o)) I found the documentary give a rather refreshing view on autism and how this can affect family life.
(See, the Jackson family for info)

But the reason I mention this at all is that there was something about amazing improvements of the dislexia for these boys by using differently coloured lenses.

Some people with visual dyslexia have found that altering the light in a room using specially tinted lenses can lessen their reading difficulties.

There are a number of links to other sites mentioning this as well, especially

Sonja :o)
GCU: Helping hand
xGCU: Don't chop it off


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