This will hardly be an easy thing to think of but I have to ask. How much money would you need a week if you only had to pay for food and non-food personal items like paper supplies, cleaners; the basic stuff. There are many factors that would influence your number, but think of someone who knows they have to stretch their money; they aren't going to be buying filet mignon and lobster tails for every meal, but also not getting day old bread and items from the dented/broken table.

Along those lines, there are things that just aren't made for single people, or even families. I was making tacos, the package called for a pound of hamburg and the usual cheese and lettuce. There were no hamburg packages less than 1.31 of a pound. Not a big deal, but even cooking for more people I couldn't have made combinations that would give me two or three pounds. Cooking for one I can't use a loaf of bread, head of lettuce, other vegetables, a package of cheese or other things before they go bad.

This isn't related, but there is something I buy that I use two or three packages a week. The usual price is 3.80 to 4, when on sale it's 2 - 2.50. I can store this item. I always get it on sale but I had just run out and figured I'd have to get some at full price. Then I get the Sunday paper and all the places I usually buy it had it on sale. What a problem! I visited five stores and bought all they had. I could have hit a lot more places but figured I have enough for a few months again.

Clothing: I bought two dress shirts, same brand, same model, just different colors. Opened up the one is three or four inches smaller. It's not the first time I've seen size differences between brands, but the exact same shirt? So now I have to take it back and hope they have the same one, with the correctly marked size. But it's a lucky break, I also have to take back a pair of pants that they left the security tag on.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Can't out source retail jobs


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