Kevin Tarr wrote:

> Along those lines, there are things that just aren't made
> for single people, or even families. I was making tacos,
> the package called for a pound of hamburg and the usual
> cheese and lettuce. There were no hamburg packages less
> than 1.31 of a pound. Not a big deal, but even cooking
> for more people I couldn't have made combinations that
> would give me two or three pounds. Cooking for one I
> can't use a loaf of bread, head of lettuce, other
> vegetables, a package of cheese or other things before
they go bad.

I've found that the bags of taco seasoning I use taste just fine with 3/4 of a pound of ground beef, instead of a full pound. I have a hard time estimating more precisely than the nearest quarter pound of meat anyway. :-) When I make 3/4 pounds of meat with taco seasoning, I can eat half, then put the other half in a sealed container in the fridge. It keeps at least a week -- at least, when I ate it a week later, I didn't feel sick or wind up in the hospital. ;-)

Erik Reuter wrote:

> Some things, like hamburger, can be frozen for a long time
> and then thawed. Cheese keeps for weeks in a sealed bag in
> the fridge. I don't know about lettuce.

Same here. I usually buy a full-sized package of hamburger
meat, then split it into several patties in small ziploc
bags for freezing. The patties are small enough so that I
can thaw about the right amount for a meal, and leave the
rest frozen.
Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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