On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 05:48:45PM -0400, Kevin Tarr wrote:

> Along those lines, there are things that just aren't made for single
> people, or even families. I was making tacos, the package called for
> a pound of hamburg and the usual cheese and lettuce. There were no
> hamburg packages less than 1.31 of a pound. Not a big deal, but even
> cooking for more people I couldn't have made combinations that would
> give me two or three pounds. Cooking for one I can't use a loaf of
> bread, head of lettuce, other vegetables, a package of cheese or other
> things before they go bad.

Some things, like hamburger, can be frozen for a long time and then
thawed. Cheese keeps for weeks in a sealed bag in the fridge. I don't
know about lettuce.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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