On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 03:47:01PM -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

> By "worthwile" I assume you mean "worth wile". (you left out a space.)

Actually, I left out an "h", not a space. I should have written
"worthwhile". And I see that the answer is, "no".

> And talk about a lack of courage. You wouldn't dare kill-file me
> >on-list< because you know you might miss something that would make
> you look silly, and

I stopped reading here. I probably won't read much of what you write
from now on, Jan, since it is such a waste of time. I don't killfile
anyone (at least not yet), but I do tend to delete many posts from some
people without reading them as I scan subject and author lines. Feel
free to "make me look silly".

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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