--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a c++ class that is very large (>90k lines) that I need to split
> up between multiple files.
> The way it is now I have a header file with all the declarations "x.h",
> and a c++ source file that contains all the functions in "y.cpp".  I need
> to be able to split the functions up between two files like "y.cpp" and
> "z.cpp".  The primary reason being that the VC++ IDE doesn't work with
> lines after line 65535 and doesn't allow debugging any function or parts
> of functions after line 65535.

If you have a single class of the size you describe. You have a clear design

This link may be of some asistence.


If you need more specific help I would be willing to assist you. feel free to
e-mail me off line.

               Jan William Coffey

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