The Fool asked:

>I have a c++ class that is very large (>90k lines) that I need to split
>up between multiple files.
Uh? Just do it.

>The way it is now I have a header file with all the declarations "x.h",
>and a c++ source file that contains all the functions in "y.cpp".  I need
>to be able to split the functions up between two files like "y.cpp" and
>"z.cpp".  The primary reason being that the VC++ IDE doesn't work with
>lines after line 65535 and doesn't allow debugging any function or parts
>of functions after line 65535.
In a real programming language, there should be no problem. You
can even split so that the "most useful" functions exist in
one module and the "most obscure" in the other. And it's even
possible to put things in the x.h that don't exist in either y.cpp or


class X
  int a() const;
  int b() const;
  int c() const;


#include "x.h"

int X::a() const
  return 42;


#include "x.h"

int X::b() const
  return 666;


Is this what you asked?

Alberto Monteiro


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