From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 04:51 PM 8/11/03 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
This post may contain spoilers for Lucifer's Hammer, so be forewarned.

Or it may not, or you may not care. Your choice.



Better add a couple of Greg Bear books and the Lord of the Rings series to that disclaimer. :)

From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
At 04:01 PM 8/11/03 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
At 12:23 PM 8/11/03 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
From: "G. D. Akin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Awhile back I picked up a book out of the Exchange bargain bin by Sarah
Zettel, "The Quiet Invasion." It is still in pile of to read books.
any one read anything by her. Worth the effort?

Just finished reading "Lucifer's Hammer" by Larry Niven again. Still, IMO,
the best end-of-the-world book ever.


By horrifying coincidence, I'm 100 pages into Lucifer's Hammer, which I've never read before. Could we PLEASE refrain from discussing how books END(!!!) without some sort of warning?

You had no idea what it was about before you started reading it?

No. It's a hardcover book without a jacket that was on a friend's shelf.

Okay. But, although admittedly there's a lot of threads with a lot of characters near the beginning, by page 100 you almost certainly have _some_ idea of what's going to happen . . .

Yeah, cometary near-miss or impact. I can think of a dozen scenarios that involve a cometary near-miss (which is still thought extremely likely at this point in the novel) or a minor impact that don't involve killing off everyone on the planet.

Note that "end of the world" is sometimes used to mean "end of the world as we know it", or something like that. After all, there's really not that much you can say if you kill off everyone on the planet (assuming a lack of more advanced space travel than we currently have) . . .

We're negotiating wiggle room in armagaeddon? :-) There is a *lot* one can say! Greg Bear: Forge of God and Anvil of Stars are two prime examples. So is HHGG, for that matter. It's been a while since I read Forge, but I bet you could get at least halfway in without thinking once that the Earth is doomed.

Truthfully, I hadn't considered the 'end of the world as we know it' interpretation. But I feel fine. ;)

Out of curiosity, did you read all three (four) Lord of the Rings books?

Once or twice. Or ten or twelve times.


(I assume from your count of the books you are not asking about the _Silmarillion_, the various volumes of the History of ME, etc. . . ?)


I'm being purposefully simplistic: If you had just started Fellowship for the first time and someone were to say to you "Frodo survives, but Boromir dies" wouldn't you have been just a little annoyed? :) Just because you know that they're going an a perilous mission doesn't mean you want details. That's why it's called a 'spoiler'. :)

Of course, after all this, has a picture of the paperback front cover. It says something like "The million copy bestseller about the end of the world."



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