> From: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I had a grey plastic ("gunmetal color") machine gun when I was a
> kid. The trigger was connected to some sort of flywheel type 
> contraption
> that emitted a rat-a-tat-tat noise for several seconds when 
> the trigger
> was pulled. I don't remember playing with it very much, it didn't
> as fun as my other toys, like RC cars and I had a programmable
> tank-like thing that you programmed in a LOGO like language 
> and it would
> drive around and could fire its "phaser" gun. Anyone remember the
> of that one?

I had about every kind of toy gun when I was a kid.  Playing Army or
Police or SWAT, you name it, were my favorite games.  Most looked
very realistic.  If they didn't, I didn't want them.  My favorite
was an M16 that looked extremely realistic and fairly big (I'm not
sure if it was real sized, I doubt it, though I thought so at the

My Mom is a huge pacifist.  But her believe was let boys play with
guns since they will anyway.  And if they play realistic enough,
they just might learn that war isn't pleasant.  Worked for me.

In college, we had some cap gun pistols that were extremely
realistic looking.  One of my best friends forgot that he had one of
these in his backpack while attempting to travel home from school
via airplane.  They caught him at security, believed him that he
forgot it was there and that it was a toy, let him on the plane and
then pulled him off again.  (Guess who had to pick him up from the
airport late at night?)  I often wonder what would happen if that
were to occur today...

We also had some water-gun Uzis that looked extremely realistic.  My
roommate and I used to walk across campus with the guns.  I'd walk
in front with my hands in the air and he'd walk behind me with the
Uzi to my back.  We got some strange looks.

(Someday, I'll have to tell the story about how 2 of my friends
almost got shot by the campus cops while playing with those guns.)

So those would all be illegal now?  Sheesh.

 - jmh

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