--- "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > I had a grey plastic ("gunmetal color") machine gun when I was a
> > kid. The trigger was connected to some sort of flywheel type 
> > contraption
> > that emitted a rat-a-tat-tat noise for several seconds when 
> > the trigger
> > was pulled. I don't remember playing with it very much, it didn't
> seem
> > as fun as my other toys, like RC cars and I had a programmable
> little
> > tank-like thing that you programmed in a LOGO like language 
> > and it would
> > drive around and could fire its "phaser" gun. Anyone remember the
> name
> > of that one?
> I had about every kind of toy gun when I was a kid.  Playing Army or
> Police or SWAT, you name it, were my favorite games.  Most looked
> very realistic.  If they didn't, I didn't want them.  My favorite
> was an M16 that looked extremely realistic and fairly big (I'm not
> sure if it was real sized, I doubt it, though I thought so at the
> time).
> My Mom is a huge pacifist.  But her believe was let boys play with
> guns since they will anyway.  And if they play realistic enough,
> they just might learn that war isn't pleasant.  Worked for me.
> In college, we had some cap gun pistols that were extremely
> realistic looking.  One of my best friends forgot that he had one of
> these in his backpack while attempting to travel home from school
> via airplane.  They caught him at security, believed him that he
> forgot it was there and that it was a toy, let him on the plane and
> then pulled him off again.  (Guess who had to pick him up from the
> airport late at night?)  I often wonder what would happen if that
> were to occur today...
> We also had some water-gun Uzis that looked extremely realistic.  My
> roommate and I used to walk across campus with the guns.  I'd walk
> in front with my hands in the air and he'd walk behind me with the
> Uzi to my back.  We got some strange looks.
> (Someday, I'll have to tell the story about how 2 of my friends
> almost got shot by the campus cops while playing with those guns.)
> So those would all be illegal now?  Sheesh.

When I was in high school I accidentaly left an imitation israli 9mm bb gun
in my car. I was late to school one day and attacked by 3 dren kickers
looking to do what they had done on numerous ocasions, kick the living dren
out of me.

As I parked 2 parked by me in their pickup and one came in behind so that I
could not leave. I reached under my seat and pulled out the bb gun. I had no
idea that bowleged hillbily dren for brains could book it that fast.

Balance of power. My grades that symester were much higher. It's much easier
to study when you are not looking over your shoulder every minut.

The next year there was a off duty cop from a niegboring state who decided
that my shoulder brushing up against his wife's shoulder as I made my way
across a long line of people and headed for the exit, was "sexual assult". He
was probably the largest man I had ever seen. He jumped on my car while it
was moving, reached in and pulled my hair through the sunroof. That BB gun
was still there. Thank god. He let go of my hair and ran. When the black and
whites my mother (also a cop) had called showed up he was arested.

I never did actualy need to fire that BB gun at anyone. Well, except for when
we put on gogles and cups and played war in the feild outside my friends
house. BB's sting quite a bit, but the aim is so much less eratic than markers.

               Jan William Coffey

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