Jan Coffey wrote:
--- Ticia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try a breakfast of fruit (apple, pear, peach, sometimes the less "good"
banana) and cottage cheese, I'm addicted to *that*! You also need to eat some nuts with that for the right fats... I make my own oatmeal & almond muffins which are easy to snatch along on my morning commute together with my 'prepared earlier' tupperware box of fruit + extra cottage cheese (to compensate for the oatmeal & sugar in the muffin). Yummm. Energy boost
right through to lunch. :))

That's just ~way~ too many carbs for me. Oats and Wheat can make it hard to
concentrate. All those carbs in the fruit and I am ready to jump around.

Good on a weekend when I will be spending the whole day active, but on a
weekday at the office carbs are for after work when the evening is to be
spent on the water, or in the gym.

Weird. I eat too many carbs, I get drowsy, not active. And mostly hungry again. Too many protein, and I am mentally alert but also hungry, which is distracting.

My prefect balance, honed over the past few years, is one small piece of fruit (or 1/2 large) topped off with cottage cheese and a (for American standards very small) muffin made from rolled oats and oat fiber with a little sugar, some eggwhites, and some olive oil + ground almonds. The fiber doesn't count as carbs as it doesn't get assimilated, but it's really good for the system. :)

Not trying to convert you just saying it works for me. ;) Universal diets (as in healthy eating regimens, not slimming diets) are so bogus: everyone has different metabolism and activity levels.

Ticia ',:) ---------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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