--- Ticia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan Coffey wrote:
> > --- Ticia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Try a breakfast of fruit (apple, pear, peach, sometimes the less "good"
> >>banana) and cottage cheese, I'm addicted to *that*!  You also need to eat
> >>some nuts with that for the right fats... I make my own oatmeal & almond 
> >>muffins which are easy to snatch along on my morning commute together
> with 
> >>my 'prepared earlier' tupperware box of fruit + extra cottage cheese (to 
> >>compensate for the oatmeal & sugar in the muffin). Yummm. Energy boost
> >>right through to lunch. :))
> > 
> > 
> > That's just ~way~ too many carbs for me. Oats and Wheat can make it hard
> to
> > concentrate. All those carbs in the fruit and I am ready to jump around.
> > 
> > Good on a weekend when I will be spending the whole day active, but on a
> > weekday at the office carbs are for after work when the evening is to be
> > spent on the water, or in the gym.
> Weird. I eat too many carbs, I get drowsy, not active. And mostly hungry 
> again. Too many protein, and I am mentally alert but also hungry, which is 
> distracting.
> My prefect balance, honed over the past few years, is one small piece of 
> fruit (or 1/2 large) topped off with cottage cheese and a (for American 
> standards very small) muffin made from rolled oats and oat fiber with a 
> little sugar, some eggwhites, and some olive oil + ground almonds. The
> fiber 
> doesn't count as carbs as it doesn't get assimilated, but it's really good 
> for the system. :)
> Not trying to convert you just saying it works for me. ;)  Universal diets 
> (as in healthy eating regimens, not slimming diets) are so bogus: everyone 
> has different metabolism and activity levels.

People are different. Different people need to eat a different diet.
Personaly I need high protien, carbs from corn, plenty of fruit in the

You seem to need a lot of carbs in general but a lot from grains, and lower

My wife doesn't feel right unless she get's rice. She eats wheat and it does
nothing for her but produce fat. So she never get's full, but puts on weight
if she tries to get her carbs from wheat. Rice and she feels full and

The worse thing anyone can do is look at the "average" diet and try to eat
what they are told. The "pyramid" just doesn't work for everyone. 

               Jan William Coffey

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