--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 05:22:10PM -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
> > Uh huh.  And 'Nigger' comes from 'Negroe', which means 'Black'.  I'm
> > sure that with subtle alterations, this argument would go over very
> > poorly with African-American communities nationwide.
> You're being ridiculous. I refer to "black people" all the time, no
> insult intended. Quit your whining! I will now attempt to use the word
> "redskins" more than I otherwise would have.

Now it's personal Erik.

Do this: 
(1)Stick your hand up so that you can see your knucles
(2)Spred your fingers
(3)Put your thumb against your palm. 
(4)Now translate to binary.

Seriously, what is your problem?

               Jan William Coffey

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