Does it get any better than this?

It's going to be fun.  My only regret is that we
aren't seeing this in, say, 1999, when Pedro was at
his peak and Clemens was much closer to it.  As it is,
Pedro is about half the pitcher he was three years ago
(_damn_ the Red Sox for abusing his arm so much) and
Clemens, while still formidable, is not what he was
three years ago either.

Still.  Half of Pedro is _still_ the best pitcher in
the major leagues.  Clemens in decline is _still_ the
decline of the best pitcher since Tom Seaver, and he
could certainly keep pitching next year (and probably
for several years after that) if he wanted to, so this
isn't exactly a last gasp.

The much-heralded Red Sox offense isn't actually
_that_ impressive outside Fenway.  The somewhat
scorned Yankee offense is, with all its players
healthy (which they are now), probably every bit as
good as that of the Red Sox.  The Red Sox defense is
much, much better than the Yankee defense, but that is
taken into account in Pedro's still impressive 2.22
ERA for the season.  The Yankee bullpen is generally
better than the Red Sox bullpen, but hasn't been for
the postseason, of course.

I can't think of any two teams this closely matched in
all the time I've been watching baseball.  I haven't
looked forward to a pitching matchup this much since
Mussina/Johnson in the 1997 ALDS, and that was only
because the O's were my team.  In fact this is without
a doubt the best Game 7 pitching matchup _ever_. 
There probably hasn't been anything close.

It's a coinflip.  Any individual game is, of course,
but this one more than any.  Still, I guess I have to
pick something.  My head tells me that:
1) The Yankees are a _better team_ than the Red Sox
this year
2) The Yankees are at home
3) Pedro's arm has been so abused (130 pitches?  What
insanity is that?) that he won't be able to go the
4) The Rocket will keep it close enough to make it a
duel of the bullpens - which Mariano Rivera should

Emotionally, after the dazzling comeback of yesterday
and so on, plus the thrill of seeing the Red Sox in
the WS, I want to say that they Red Sox will win. 
And, in truth, it's about 51/49 - no one can predict
this one.  But I think it's going to be the Yankees,
in a classic.  3-2, something like that.  Maybe even
extra innings.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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