Selling you a new past

You've eaten a chocolate bar and you didn't really like it. Can a
commercial afterwards persuade you that you did? 'Memory morphing' could
be a powerful weapon for advertisers. But, asks David Benady, will they
dare use it?
21 October 2003

Is your memory playing tricks on you, or did you find shopping at your
over-priced supermarket last week a wonderful experience? Did you have a
great time on that lacklustre package holiday a couple of years ago? And
are you quite sure whether you enjoyed that cold, tasteless meal the
other day?

Advertisers have found a new way to mess with your mind.

A group of US marketing researchers claim that brand owners can make
their customers believe they had a better experience of a product or
service than they really did by bombarding them with positive messages
after the event. Advocates of the technique, known as "memory morphing",
claim it can be used to improve customers' perceptions of products and
encourage them to repeat their purchases and recommend brands to friends.

Its chief cheerleader is Professor Jerry Zaltman, a psychologist attached
to Harvard Business School. He claims that advertising - "if properly
constructed" - can lead to the creation of false memories.

"When asked, many consumers insist that they rely primarily on their own
first-hand experience with products - not advertising - in making
purchasing decisions. Yet, clearly, advertising can strongly alter what
consumers remember about their past, and thus influence their
behaviours," he writes in his book, How Customers Think. He says that
memories are malleable, changing every time they come to mind, and that
brands can use this to their advantage. "What consumers recall about
prior product or shopping experiences will differ from their actual
experiences if marketers refer to those past experiences in positive
ways," he continues.

Zaltman has worked in the past with many big brand owners, such as
Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Motorola, Reebok and General Motors,
though it is not known whether his advice covered memory morphing.

But Coca-Cola's UK president, Tom Long, speaking at a marketing
conference earlier this year, seemed to get close to giving his seal of
approval to the technique. He said that memory morphing "is something
Coca-Cola was pleased to learn [about]." And he went on to advise
marketers: "Try to morph the memory of your consumers."

British advertising agencies say Zaltman has contacted them offering
advice on how to use memory morphing techniques. But none of the agencies
contacted by The Independent has admitted taking up the offer.

Zaltman's extraordinary claims are based on experiments carried out by
memory researchers in the US, most notably the work carried out by
Elizabeth Loftus, a former professor of psychology at the University of
Washington. She singled out a campaign by Disney - "Remember the magic" -
which, she claimed, was used to invoke real or imaginary childhood
memories in consumers.

She reported an experiment in which people were shown an advert
suggesting that children who visited Disneyland had the opportunity to
shake hands with Bugs Bunny. Later, many of those who had seen the advert
"remembered" meeting Bugs on childhood visits to the theme park, a feat
that would have been impossible, given that the cartoon is a Warner
Brothers character. Loftus said: "This brings forth ethical
considerations. Is it OK for marketers to knowingly manipulate consumers'

Earlier this year, other American psychologists announced research
findings to the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
showing the ease with which false memories can be implanted in people's
minds. In a test by the cognitive psychologist Kathryn Braun-LaTour, a
colleague of Zaltman's, participants were served an unpleasant-tasting
orange drink spiked with salt and vinegar. They were then shown adverts
suggesting the drink was refreshing. Sure enough, many of the
participants later reported that they had found the drink refreshing.

While most experts deny that brands actively use memory morphing in their
advertising, some believe it may be an inadvertent consequence. Erik du
Plessis, chief executive of the South African arm of the world's leading
advertising research firm, Millward Brown, has just written his own book
on the psychological effects of advertising called The Advertised Mind.

He says: "There is evidence that memory morphing might happen, though I
don't think anyone has actively tried to use it. Certainly some
advertisements I have seen have a very good chance of doing it. There is
advertising I can see that reminds me of good times I have had. I will
probably remember the brand as having been there, although it might not
have been." But he believes morphing can only take place in a "credible"
way. If consumers have had a bad experience, it will be impossible to
turn that into a positive memory.

Mark Earls, planning director of the advertising agency Ogilvy London,
says Zaltman is promoting memory morphing as a research tool to help
brand owners decide which adverts will be successful. If an ad can be
shown to change people's memories of past experiences, this indicates it
is very powerful. But he is sceptical about Zaltman's methods.

"The advance they are claiming to have made is in being able to monitor
the brain as opposed to the mind, and measure the ways our brain changes
when exposed to advertising. But this is old-fashioned.

"What is important these days is not what advertising does to consumers,
so much as how consumers use advertising to make statements about
themselves to other people," concludes Earls.

Zaltman may be portrayed as a maverick whose ideas are irrelevant to
modern advertising. But he argues that significant advances have been
made in neuroscience over the past 10 years, and he believes that the
unconscious mind is a great unexplored area for marketers.

But will he persuade an industry that knows it would face a public outcry
if consumers found out advertisers were using his technique? Perhaps not.

Richard Huntington, head of planning at the agency HHCL/Red Cell, says:
"It is the last refuge of the scoundrel to say that there's bugger all we
can tell you about this product, so we'll pretend that you all had great


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