--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You've eaten a chocolate bar and you didn't really
like it. Can a
commercial afterwards persuade you that you did?
'Memory morphing' could
be a powerful weapon for advertisers...

Some of our more medically savvy members may be able to clarify, but I would assume that timing is everything here. With the softdrink experiment, they would alter the way the memory of the drink was stored in long-term memory, but once it was a long-term memory, it would hard to alter the perception of the experience.
I'm also thinking that the altered perception would only work once. You have an unpleasent chocolate bar, then get convinced it was great, but the second one is going to disappoint, and will be more like Debbi's examples of Twinkies (which sound gross, BTW) and the Lone Ranger - more a "I used to like them, but now I don't.
I could always be wrong - somewhere there's a BigMac sales counter ticking over really big numbers that probably proves me wrong...

Russell C.

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