--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Selling you a new past
> You've eaten a chocolate bar and you didn't really
> like it. Can a
> commercial afterwards persuade you that you did?
> 'Memory morphing' could
> be a powerful weapon for advertisers... 

> Earlier this year, other American psychologists
> announced research
> findings to the American Association for the
> Advancement of Science,
> showing the ease with which false memories can be
> implanted in people's
> minds. In a test by the cognitive psychologist
> Kathryn Braun-LaTour, a
> colleague of Zaltman's, participants were served an
> unpleasant-tasting
> orange drink spiked with salt and vinegar. They were
> then shown adverts
> suggesting the drink was refreshing. Sure enough,
> many of the
> participants later reported that they had found the
> drink refreshing.

There's no question that advertising can encourage you
to do/buy new things, or that memories can be
influenced/altered by subsequent events; but if an
experience is unpleasant enough, *no* ad in the world
will make you repeat the mistake!

Frex: You and two friends, having salivated for months
over the Carl's Jr(TM) ads with the dripping catsup
(or ketchup if you prefer) and all, go to one and,
after eager perusal of the menu, order 3 different
'main' items.  Each is tasteless and unappetizing
(everyone has a bite at least of each item), and the
fries are pathetic limp things, and the sodas are
watered-down (I think they really were, but maybe
not)... You subsequently never are made hungry by
their ads, and you refuse to *ever* buy anything from
them again.

As a child you _adored_ Twinkies(TM), having them on
picnics and backyard cookouts, delighting in the cream
filling and cake shell, as did your sibs and little
friends.  As an adult you nostalgically (sp?) take one
at a friend's family party - and have to spit out your
mouthful of chemical foam with the Nerf(TM)-like
gaggingly-sweet coating into a napkin; you make the
unfortunate choice of palate-cleanser a paper cup of
the nearest potable fluid, which happens to be
strawberry Kool-Aid(TM) -- which you bravely swallow
despite the nastiness of artificial berry flavor and
sweetener.  You gratefully chew on a piece of
cauliflower (which you neither buy at the grocery nor
choose at a restaurant) to get the disgusting
conglomeration of artificial "flavors" out of your
poor abused taste buds...

Let us not go over the recent painful viewing of a
couple of episodes of The Lone Ranger(TM), a childhood
hero...(unlike Batman(TM) which so clearly laughed at
itself, and is still funny)...and I think I'll avoid
seeing any Daniel Boone(TM) episodes too, since I
rather strongly suspect that it too would be woefully
pathetic compared to the 'man' I remember.

What A Dream-Comer-Truer Was He Maru   ;)

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