I wrote:
>Someone else said once in the same newsgroup "Of course, since
>JMS is an atheist, he doesn't believe in hell, anyway."

>jms' reply was "Says you. I'm FROM New Jersey"

Jim replied:
Now, why does everyone have to crack on New Jersey? There aren't that many areas in the world where you are always within three hours' drive of the ocean, mountains, and major metropolitan areas.

Yes, we have toxic waste and obnoxious IROC drivers, but otherwise it's not too bad a place. Either that or I'm beyond help, which is not out of the realm of possibility.

Sorry, I didn't mean to start a debate about the relative merits of New Jersey. I just
thought jms' line was funny in the context of the religion/anti-religion tirades going
back and forth. I personally have nothing against New Jersey.

I was born and raised in Kansas (although I live in Missouri now), and have always
heard about how boring and how desparately flat it is, which I never really got
since the Kansas City area is quite hilly and interesting.

Then I drove to Colorado. If most people's experience of Kansas is from driving
across I-70, then I think I get it now.

Reggie Bautista

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