----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Country music evil?

> On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Dan Minette wrote:
> > I've got a question for you, are you opposed to all country music or
> > just the nonsense that is played on most country music stations.  For
> > example do you hate all of the below?
> >
> > Bluegrass
> Fun.
> > Lyle Leavitt
> "Lovett", and some of his stuff is pretty funny.  (And I've got several
> his albums.)

Right, I can't spell. :-)

> > the music featured in "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
> Great!
> > the music of Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys?
> Not quite familiar.  Maybe there's something in one of my KGSR albums
> by them, and if so, I could check and report back to you.

Asleep at the Wheel does a lot of their stuff.  The general field is

> > late 19th century country music which is tied to 16th and 17th century
> > English music?
> Not familiar.  Or maybe I am and just don't know it.

The movie "The Songcatcher" dramatized the discovery of this music and its
link to old English music.

> But a lot of the stuff I was hearing, I didn't care for,
> but at least it didn't put me on edge like the rock that someone *else*
> insisted on when the first person was out sick.  I hadn't found the
> classical station at the time, and someone might have complained if I'd
> set the radio to *that* for too long.

I don't listen to country music, but my wife is from E. Tennessee and I've
gotten a taste for the older, non-commercial stuff.  Our musical tastes are
fairly eclectic, from classical to jazz, to gospel, to R&B, to rock.  Teri
and I don't care much for rap, although I do like the very best of it. My
kids are into singing older types of music  with my daughter singing arias,
my son loving to sing Cab Calloway, Sinatra, and Tony Bennett tunes. As far
as I'm concerned, I say my kids have all my musical talent, that's why none
is left. ;-)

Dan M.


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