--- Bryon Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The article states "Left with him were two AK-47
> assault guns and a pistol". 
>   I haven't seen anything about this and even read a
> bried blurb about one 
> of the Iraqi CPA leaders asking Saddam why he didn't
> use his pistol (I don't 
> remember the exact reply, but it wasn't "I didn't
> have a pistol").   Do you 
> have a link to any news articles about him having no
> pistol?

His reply was, wonderfully enough, to point to a
nearby American soldier and ask, "Would you fight
> You seem to be assuming that "hard" interrogation
> means torture.  Do you 
> think that there are no acceptable strong means of
> interrogation that don't 
> involve torture?
> -Bryon

In fact it appears that we conducted the interrogation
and we are legally unable to use torture.  A
prohibition that we appear to be sticking to, since
the very fact that we need to ship people resistant to
less coercive forms of interrogation off to various
unsavory allies suggests that we are unable/unwilling
to use those forms ourselves.  The person involved
probably wasn't exactly comfortable, but given the
time frames involved, I doubt they were tortured -
there probably wasn't time enough to do so.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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