From: "Miller, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bryon Daly

> side note: $1
> million was stolen from that area just a few weeks after I
> left the job!
> They never caught anyone for it, even though access to the area was
> restricted to at most about a dozen people, and the place was
> littered with
> cameras.  I have my suspicions about who did it, though.)

Wasn't that right before you bought that house and the Hummer? ;)

Umm. That was money I saved from my, umm, paper route. Uh, yeah - that's the ticket! Big tippers on that paper route.

> >Lovely.  Did we do the work ourselves, or is this how some
> unspecified
> >3rd
> >country is
> >participating in the Coalition?
> You seem to be assuming that "hard" interrogation means
> torture.  Do you
> think that there are no acceptable strong means of
> interrogation that don't involve torture?

Don't be absurd. Of course I know that.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to lecture you - it was a genuine question, though possibly poorly phrased. What I read to be distaste/sarcasm in your original remark made me wonder if you were implying the "hard interrogation" was torture, or if you felt that any/all means (or a least legal US means) of "hard interrogation" were unacceptable

Sorry, I wasn't trying to lecture you - it was a genuine question, though possibly poorly phrased. What I read to be distaste/sarcasm in your original remark made me wonder if you were implying the "hard interrogation" was torture, or if you felt that any/all means (or a least legal US means) of "hard interrogation" were unacceptable. But nevermind.

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