In a message dated 1/28/2004 9:14:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Maybe.  But since Qaddafi said to Berlusconi "I will
> do whatever the Americans want, because I saw what
> happened in Iraq and I am afraid" it seems like
> there's a more plausible explanation.
> I swear, Bob, if President Bush walked across the
> Potomac you'd declare it was proof that he couldn't swim.

I was only referring to an op ed article that explicitly refuted the claim about the 
effect of the war on the negotiation.

Remember I supported the war and still do. I think getting rid of Sadam was a good 
thing. I believe that our willingness to go to war has changed the dynamics in the 
mideast and around the world. I have never claimed nor do I believe that the invasion 
is "all about oil". I don't buy the notion that conservatives are only interested in 
lining their pockets. 

But if you want me to admit that I really dislike Bush I am happy to do so. He and his 
cronies have mishandled the run up to the war and its aftermath. They are arrogant and 
high handed. They believe they are right and don't think they have to convince anyone 
either inside or outside the US that this is so. They are quite willing to play fast 
and lose with the laws that they claim to be upholding. The Bush economic plan is a 
disaster. I am no economist but from what I have read economists do not think his cuts 
are in any healthy. And yet he and his administration do not even have the courage of 
their convictions. They cut taxes but are unwilling to cut spending. The war will cost 
billions. How can one cut taxes in the face of this new responsibility. They have 
passed a medicare drug bill which will cost billions as well but have offered no plan 
to pay for it. This is all so cynical that it makes me sick.

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