
I think would also partially explain the tendency towards
right-handedness, which effects which side of the body a baby would
normally be held.

Or is it possible that mothers tend to hold babies on the left
> side because the heartbeat is more easily heard on the left side

Cause and effect could be mixed up here... It could be explained *by*
the tendency towards right-handedness. Perhaps the majority of right-handed moms put their little bundle of joy on the left to keep their -- forgive me -- more dextrous hand free to tend to their baby and fend off the world.

Interesting with the ongoing ... umm ... conversation about left vs. right that this item should appear. As a left-hander myself, I've occasionally bemoaned the fact that "dextrous" means skillful and deft, while "sinister" means evil, not just unskillful or awkward.

Dave "The Southpaw Will Rise Again" Land

 David M. Land            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              408-551-0427


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