The Fool wrote:
> Women Hold Babies On The Left To Connect To Emotional Half Of the Brain
> <<>>
> Results indicate that women cradle on the side of the body that is
> contralateral to the hemisphere dominant for face and emotion processing
> and suggest a possible explanation of gender differences in the incidence
> of cradling.
> ----
> I think would also partially explain the tendency towards
> right-handedness, which effects which side of the body a baby would
> normally be held.
> Ever notice how girls Vs boy carry books in school?  Girls always carry
> books close on their breast (like carrying a baby), and boys carry books
> on their hips.

1)  I cradle a baby on the left more often because I am more
right-handed than left-handed, and it leaves my right hand freer for
doing other things.  I also do better holding the baby on the left and
using the right hand to pat the back for burping.

2)  My eldest child objected to being held on the right side starting
when he was less than 2 weeks old.  I don't know what was up with that,
exactly.  Any subsequent preference in me *might* be traced back to

As for the book-carrying methods, look at the differences in hips
between males and females, and that's a good part of your answer as to
why girls don't carry books on their hips.  (I tried a few times.  It
was not comfortable.  My preferred carrying technique is to use a

Women do, however, carry older babies and young children on their hips. 


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