> From: Robert J. Chassell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The question is whether a year or more ago, he and/or the Iraqi
> National Council provided the US with `intelligence' that was designed
> to influence the US to act against Saddam Hussein's government and do
> so in a way that benefited Iran more than the US, by causing senior US
> officials to misunderstand the situation before the US-Iraqi war
> began.
> If so, the Bush Administration got suckered.
> (Note that many have said that the Bush Administration were eager to
> go to war against Iraq; that is not the issue.  The issue is the
> outcome, whether the outcome favors Iran more than the US government
> had planned a year ago.  Put another way, over the next generation,
> who gains victory?)
> Does anyone know more about this than I?


Where Chalabi says:

"We are heroes in error," he said in Baghdad on Wednesday. "As far as
we're concerned, we've been entirely successful. 
"Our objective has been achieved. That tyrant Saddam is gone, and the
Americans are in Baghdad. What was said before is not important." 

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