> From: John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 01:08 AM 3/1/2004 +0000 Robert J. Chassell wrote:

> >A question at hand is whether Iran, ruled by Shi'ite Moslems, is
> >gaining power amongst its co-religionists in Iraq? 
> This strikes me as having vestiges of xenophobic racism.....  
> Shias are the majority religious denomination in Iraq.   The US must
> consider a government dominated by Iraqi Shias to not necessarily be a
> thing.    It is what our principles demand.

This fits your (JDG's) MO perfectly.  Why not have a tyranny of the
majority over the minorities?  In fact why even give Sunni's, kurds or
christians any rights at all?  After all they are only minorities, and
according you (JDG), any majority has the absolute right to tyrannize any
minorities.  And since you (JDG) also don't believe in equal rights (men
vs women, heterosexual vs homosexuals, religious vs non-religious / wrong
religion), why should there be equal rights in Iraq either?


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