On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 02:40:57AM -0500, Bryon Daly wrote:

> It seems that you are almost arguing that the demonization of liberals
> by some conservatives somehow justifies treating conservatives on this
> list poorly or making them feel unwelcome.  I disagree with this and
> would prefer the people of the list to feel open to expressing their
> points of view, regardless of their popularity.*

I don't think Rob was arguing that. Regardless, the irony in applying
your defense to JDG's specific case here is that JDG is proposing to
force a viewpoint on the entire country that will make millions of
people feel "unwelcome". I did read your footnote, but it seems to me
you are applying a biased standard here -- you are much more tolerant of
some people making others feel "unwelcome" than you are of other groups
feeling "unwelcome". So, JDG can ramble on about how the rights of gay
people should be restricted, but if someone dares to write something
that makes JDG feel "unwelcome" to express that view here, well shame on

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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