At 05:38 PM 3/20/2004 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
> Most eighth-graders did not know why the First
>Continental Congress met.

A lot of these questions sound like classic "gotcha!" questions.    I mean
really, how many people can quickly name the differences between the 1st
and 2nd Continental Congresses and contrast them with the US Congress?
Or how many people can quickly name the President of the United States
during the War of 1812, Spanish-American War, Mexican-American War, the
Military Actions on the Barbary Coast?    

This article acts like such bits of information should be common knowledge
rather than fairly difficult quesitons on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03


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