Jim Sharkey wrote:

John Doe wrote:

The test I took had a maximum score of 150, which gives me a score of 137/150 * 100% = 91.3%.
Not that I'm bragging or anything. :-)

Sounds like bragging to me, Jerry. Sounds like you're ready for that favorite of Brin-L games, "My brain is bigger than yours." :)

Oh, come on. This is much more fun than shredding each other to bits. :o) Btw found a personality test that was quick easy and rather fun to do. Only click on the colors and they'll tell you how you feel and what your problem is.
www.colorquiz.com <%3C%3Chttp://www.colorquizz.com%3E%3E>

My current situation according to them:
Sensuous. Inclined to luxuriate in things which give gratification to the senses, but rejects anything tasteless, vulgar, or coarse.
Sounds about right. The rest of the results wasn't too far off either. But I suspect it's something like a horoscope. You can interpret it in many ways and one of those will eventually fit your situation.

Another nice and quick intelligence test was at
densa.com <http://www.densa.com/densa/densa1.html>
Actually they were a list of trick questions

Sonja :o)
GCU: Selective reading

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