On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 05:22:31PM -0500, Tom Beck wrote:

> Economists talk about this all the time - "easing the pain" for
> people displaced by macroeconomic currents - but IT NEVER ACTUALLY
> HAPPENS. We never, as a society, seriously think about compensating
> the victims of necessary economic change. We don't help them, we don't
> make arrangements, we don't think or talk about it. Basically, we live
> in a "you're on your own" society that believes everyone succeeds or
> fails, rises or falls, completely on their own. Until it happens to
> us.

Exaggeration is not helpful. Your statements are, of course, incorrect.

There are and have been a number of attempts to help (see, for example,
the article Gautam posted that mentioned TAA).  What would be helpful
would be reviewing what has been tried, what did and didn't work, and
making suggestions for what should be tried in the future.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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