Hardly anybody thinks that businesses that go under should be compensated
and cuddled by the government for having their livelihood disappear. If a
business can't cut it in the marketplace, tough. Worse than that, when a
business is going under, and the owner must liquidate inventory at a loss,
all the people who most want a safety net are the first piranhas in line for
their 80% off. Losing your job sucks, but it doesn't usually leave you
deeply in debt on top of everything else.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate

I'm taking the usual list method of responding to one part of a post; but only because I agree with everything else. The problem with the above statement, the government does spend my tax dollars propping up companies that are failing in the market place like airlines and farming. In PA they are paying parts of a doctor's malpractice insurance instead of adopting tort reform which (could) lower the insurance rates. So the insurance stays high and get their money, the lawyers still sue over anything, I pay higher taxes and fees, and the doctors still complain.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Wondering if they'll need computer programers in free New Hampshire

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