> Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Damon wrote:

> >Based on my Freshman study of German philosophy,
> > guessing Travis is a Nietschian, and that concepts
> >of "good" and "evil" are interpretations we place
> the
> > environment and society to define negative aspects
> > that may be in actuality acts of self-interest. I
> >also heard that Travis has dreadlocks and goes by 
> > the nickname "Anasazi..."

> Ah, it brings a Tyr to my eye :-)

The _only_ reason for me to watch 'Andromeda' left
with KHC; the writers completely changed Tyr's
character for his last appearances.  >:P

who is going through 'saved mail,' but only commenting
on ~ 10% of that - and incidentally found that the
concepts of Good and Evil were another point of
disagreement with Travis....ditto Rob's replies!  ;) 

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