From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this
> means that terrorists
> in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to
> materials for building a
> `radiological' or `dirty' bomb.

Everyone willing to spend a few million bucks buying
_smoke detectors_ has the capacity to build a dirty
bomb - it is, worryingly, not all that hard.


Perhaps, but why spend all that money when the Shrub administration will
let you steal copious amounts of nuclear material from Iraq for free?

One has to wonder if things like this is not just sheer incompetence on
the part of the Shrub-Clown show, but are parts of a right-wing strategy
to let terrorist have nuclear materials.  Indeed, the leaders of the GOP
(all Dominionists to a man) would like nothing better than to declare
martial law, suspend elections, and set up concentration/reeducation
camps.  A major dirty-bomb terrorist attack fits in very nicely with
their Dominionist plans.

"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
atrocities." - Voltaire


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