Gary Denton, dumb to the last drop:

> > And the Supreme Court has ruled against them when? And >they have 
> > ignored the
> > 
> > Court after that ruling when? And the administration 
> >implemented the 
> > Patriot Act despite Congress not passing it?
> Actually they did,  many provisions of the Patriot Act 2 were 
> inserted into other bills.

Passed by Congress, presumably. My point stands.

> And it is illegal to tell the world that you're suing to 
> challenge the Patriot Act.

I know you like to believe everything the Washington Post says, but we'll
see how this all settles out. Not that I'm all in favor of the Patriot Act,
since that mow-ron Ashcroft has begun using it to go after pornographers and
such. I really hate that guy. Talk about undermining the war on terror.
Abusing the extraordinary powers granted by the Patriot Act to serve his own
sexually hysterical agenda really makes us less safe. We need the government
to have those powers to have a hope of keeping up with terrorists. We can't
afford government using those powers for other purposes. Ashcroft has proven
all the critics and libertarians right. Keep Rumsfeld, ditch Asscroft.

> > Really, there's something wrong with you if you buy into this shit 
> > even when you're 20.
> Kerry has the best of both worlds, a war hero who came back 
> and opposed the Vietnam War.

I know that's how you like to paint it, but you guys like to paint Teddy
Kennedy as a car safety expert and a great swimmer too.

If Kerry had the courage of his convictions, he should have gone to Canada,
not Vietnam. I really don't understand what the hell motivated him back
then, which is just one more thing about him that gives me the creeps. I
don't think he has a clue what he's about, and he never has. He reminds me
of the Scream mask ghoul, except there's something behind the ghoul's mask.

> Get out of your video game world and face real life.

Boy, I bet you're a great dad.

> > You might want to keep in mind that the Geneva Conventions prohibit 
> > things like keeping POWs in cells or isolated from each 
> other. >Those 
> > are the kinds of provisions we need to violate. When the cops 
> > interrogate criminals they don't put them all in the same 
> holding cell 
> > so they can get their stories straight.
> Mike, still defending violating Geneva conventions.

Absolutely. You'd think that Moses brought down the Geneva Conventions along
with the 10 commandments, the way some people talk about it. 

There's all kinds of legalistic wrangling going on right now, and, it likely
will turn out, we have not violated the Geneva Conventions. But that's not
the real point we really care about. The Geneva Conventions are (mostly
rightly) revered as a commitment to limit the savagery and brutality of war.
Like the Sermon on the Mount, they may be a little naïve, dumb and
philosophically incoherent, but the thrust of it is pretty powerful and
worth paying attention to.

Here's the point: the people we're fighting against care fuck all about the
Geneva Conventions, except as a club to beat us with. The sight of the Arab
world lifting it's dirty little pinkie finger and offering cocktail party
moral criticism to the West over treatment of prisoners is even more absurd
than it is hypocritical and disgusting. It's like listening to Ted Bundy
bitch about the guards calling him Nancy and spitting in his soup.

Where America has committed serious "spirit of the law" violations of the
Geneva Conventions, we've already investigated, taken it seriously and made
changes. As for letter of the law violations, they're fine with me.

Let's not forget, those pictures were taken months ago. The people involved
were in deep shit long before those pictures went public. The system has
been working pretty well to deal with this. The soldier who first reported
the abuses has not been disciplined--his reports triggered a huge

> > well with the voters, please keep thinking that. As a great 
> man once said, Bring it on!
> Quoting Kerry now?  Bring it on.  You seem to be desperately 
> trying to tie in the last 80 years of "leftist" scandals, 
> first Stalin, then Chappaquiddick.

Well, I'm tying in, but it didn't feel desperate to me. But it is nice to
see the weakening of the left, with you only being able to drown party girls
after a few decades of rule.

And that was Kerry quoting Bush, by the way.

If there's a single event that epitomizes the liberal pussification of
America, it is the reaction of your ilk to Bush saying "Bring 'em on!"
First, you cover your eyes, scream Eeek!, jump up on stools and flutter your
hankies that Bush would dare say something so "macho" and provocative. Then
you prop up Botox Boy and have him echo it, while you all shriek and faint
like teenage girls seeing the Beatles for the first time.

Clinton used Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop" as his theme. I'm waiting for
Kerry to play "Just a Gigolo."

> > > the US must convene a "competent tribunal" that is competent and 
> > > impartial to decide on their status.

Amnesty International is entitled to their opinion (in the US), but they are
wrong. Where it's fucking obvious, we don't have to convene a tribunal.

> So now you are down with the Red Cross?  It is interesting to 
> see what you base your claims of moral superiority on.

No, Gary Gary the Prepositionally Challenged Fairy, I'm down ON the Red

> Lets see, you agree Bush is a right wing moron and that what 
> happened in Iraqi prisons is wrong.  I think we are making progress.

When have I ever said otherwise? I'm not progressing. I'm reiterating.

Bush gets it that the sand Nazis intend to turn the whole world into
Thunderdome. Kerry doesn't get it. Kerry doesn't get anything. I bet he
doesn't even get laid by the Ketchup Kween. 

What happened in those Iraqi prisons is oh-so wrong, as I've said over and
over, more eloquently and insightfully by far than anyone on this list. And
it doesn't prove America is evil. It proves we're human, and the way we've
reacted so far proves we're better than the rest. We should apologize to
Arabs, but we should take no shit off them. They can accept the apology or
go to hell. We offered the apology because we're living up to our standards,
not because they have any standards.

Mike Lee
Islamic Physics Professor


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