--- Maru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dr. Brin, good article. But you say that the
> Fundamentalists are> promised the Supreme Court, and
then say that all> three groups> have gotten their
reward, but demand more (their> in-'satiability'> as
you put it.). Now, I don't recall any Supreme
> Court> nominations in the past four years, so isn't
it a> tad inaccurate> to say so?

True enough.  A better example of their obsession with
form over substance would be abortion.  Abortion RATES
went down under Clinton and climbed under both Bushes.
 Pragmatically speaking, lessening the number should
be the goal whether achieved by liberal means or not.

But let's be fair.  If infanticide were legal, a ten %
drop in the rate would not stop you from being boiling
mad.  The real problem isn't pragmatic but
philosophical.  As romantics, each neocon subgroup
must go for a whole loaf, never part of one. 
Compromise is for enlightenment humanists.

> Also, you *could* recouncile the neo-cons and the>
Left Behinders> if you push Judgement Day far off
enough into the> future.  After> all, you don't need
eternity to build a star-going> empire led by>
philospher-kings, just a large but finite amount of
> time. 

True, but that takes ALL the wind out of the sails of
the apocalypts.  Geez the "Whore of Babylon Five" just
sounds too sciencefictional to be taken seriously.
Likewise an antimatter anti Christ."  Doesn't satisfy
as much as"The evil one is already among us."

> course, it does seem a little pointless if God is
> going to come
> and make everything way better than mere humanity
> ever could.
> And also, I notice you reference the excerpt 'The
> Philospher of
> Islamic Terror', but not teh Book (Terror and
> Liberalism). Why's
> that? The book is well worth reading too.

Got a web site ref?  It sounds like a magnificent
reach and a diatribe.

OH!  I am reading COLLAPSE by one of our
civilization's real genius-treasures, Jared Diamond
(GUNS, GERMS AND STEEL).  It covers what factors
brought about civ collapse in past societies and what
factors allowed others to remain flexible enough to
evade disaster.

By his standards, this would be a positively insane
administration in any measure.  But his book has
changed my mind.  I NO LONGER think that the monsters'
worst crime is dissipating our armed forces and
deliberately destroying readiness by miring our best
troops and using up the reserves.

Worse has been the 20 years of lying and obfuscation
about climate change.  Ten years calling it a hoax. 
Ten years saying it exists but "we need more data"...
and now "yes, it's big and humans did it, but now it's
too late to do anything about it."

Read Diamond's book.  It says NOTHING about todays'
politics.  It says EVERYTHING about the destruction of
our resiliency by morons.

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