--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can only see it as strategic to Iraq if their
> purpose was to pull the 
> West into the region in order to touch off a larger
> conflict.  If it was 
> to actually try to expand their borders, they were
> nuts, a possibility 
> that cannot be discounted!
> Nick

Why would they be that?  If Michael Dukakis had been
President of the United States in 1990 - hardly an
unlikely outcome - Saddam Hussein would be ruling
Kuwait, along with Iraq, right now.  The overwhelming
majority of Democratic Senators voted against the war.
 The Democratic Party had majorities in both the
Senate and House of the Congress.  Why was it
unreasonable to think that we would do nothing to
reverse the invasion?  It was in no way clear at the
time that we were going to do something about the
invasion, and had we not, Iraq would be the most
powerful (non-Israel) country in the Middle East right
now, would have nuclear weapons (the UN reported that
Iraq was ~1 year from getting nuclear weapons in
1991), and would be a major world power.  Given what
Saddam Hussein knew, forget about insane, it wasn't
even dumb.  If invading Kuwait had worked, he would
have been the greatest hero in the Arab world since

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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