On Apr 7, 2005, at 3:12 PM, maru wrote:

Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Apr 7, 2005, at 2:50 PM, maru wrote:

'marginally-relevant texts'?
An example please; So far I've only seen various perversions of the Bible
(Unless you count Mel Gibson using the ravings of a delirious German nun
in his /Passion/.).

Perversions of the Bible don't affect its relevance as source material for wisdom. There's wisdom to be found in it, just as the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada and the Koran contain wisdom.

The *marginal* relevance to which I referred is, in my mind, the way that Biblical myths have been used to assert the nature of reality. Six-day creation, Intelligent Design, and the Noachian deluge being the cause of the Grand Canyon, for instance.

(BTW, if the deluge really happened, how does this explain the existence of Meteor Crater, which is +10,000 years old? Shouldn't the flood have filled it in with sediment? Wonder what ICS has to say about that...)

-- Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books http://books.nightwares.com/ Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror" http://www.nightwares.com/books/ockrassa/Flat_Out.pdf

Ah, so the marginal texts are the Old Testament books, as opposed to New Testament books.
I see now.


Not really. Virgin conception is impossible, though there's some wiggle room there -- IIRC the original text had it as "behold, a young woman shall conceive".

Lazarus was never dead. No one else was resurrected either. And the epistles of Paul, while effective at establishing and maintaining the infant cult of Iasus, read like a lot of hard-right propaganda, which to me is more or less what they are.

Revelation is also hooey.

As for the OT, the Decalogue contains some pretty sound ethics too.

-- Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books http://books.nightwares.com/ Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror" http://www.nightwares.com/books/ockrassa/Flat_Out.pdf


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