> From: Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> FLCL: IMHO I just don't understand. Not in a "creative avant garde"
> but I just don't see the artistic background. Not because I don't get
> (my anime collection outnumbers my traditional movie collection), but

> because it seems the show was made for someone with ADD. I also I
> the animation style.
> Paranoia Agent is really good; good music, intruging plot, etc. I
don't see 
> it often enough to get into it though...
> My current fave was Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone COmplex. Great
> great animation (some of the fight scenes are quite impressive from a

> technical standpoint). In terms of music/anime melding Serial
> Lain turned me onto a British group called Boa. Their debut full
length CD 
> is in my short-stack.

I really HATE the CGI sequences.  Awful.
> Samurai Champloo is another great one (done by the same people as
> Beebop? Mugen does have a passing resemblance to Spike...), just wish
> was longer.

If you mean Sunrise, then Yes. 26 Eps is too short?  Probably.
> Inuyasha could be more interesting, if it delved more into Japanese 
> mythology, and less into the emotional life of teen-aged Japanese

Their's nothing wrong with that.

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