----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 7:57 AM
Subject: Defeat in Victory

>I hate how terrorism and the war in Iraq have come to dominate debate
>so. I notice that Gautam and JDG rarely post these days, and there is
>no-one to staunchly dispute the centrist viewpoints we all seem to
>espouse (Dan excepted).

FWIW, by US political standards, I am clearly to the left of center.
Taking surveys from the British sites that were referenced by the Culture
mailing list, I find myself very very slightly to the right of the British
center (IIRC, on a scale that went from -10 to 10, I was 0.3 toward the
conservative....as opposed to many Culturenicks who were in the -5 to -9
range (towards leftist).

Indeed, Gautam, who left, stated that Bush was a D- president, and Bush won
the majority of votes in '04.  One of his favorite Harvard professors is
Stanley Hoffman.  If one googles for Hoffman's public writings, one would
be very hard pressed to consider him anything but liberal.

Indeed, from my perspective, most of the political posts here that are not
my own, over the last few months, fit reasonably well into the Michael
Moore wing of the Democratic party.

Dan M.


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