Nick Lidster wrote:
I figured id use this group for this little question... what do you
all know about cobweb plots and its relation to chaos theory? My
friend is working with them now and explained it just simply as they
are related to chaos theory. Any helpful guidance would be great.


I can't just point you to the Wikipedia article?  : )

This is the part which shows the connection to Chaos Theory:

On the cobweb plot, a stable fixed point corresponds to an inward
spiral, while an unstable fixed point is an outward one. A period 2
orbit is represented by a rectangle, whilst greater period cycles
produce further, more complex closed loops. A chaotic orbit would
show a 'filled out' area, indicating an infinite number of
non-repeating values.

And the rest of Wikipedia is as good as I can do on
the subject...


Sorry, I guess this doesn't really count as help.


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