On May 5, 2006, at 11:52 AM, The Fool wrote:

From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ok, here are a few sites for those curious:

And for the skeptical (I have only skimmed this, as
it's time to head out):

MBTI is psuedo-science at its finest.

OK. You're opinion. I'm OK with that. Even the slightest shred of data
as to why you feel this way might have elevated your smear to the level
of seriousness, but I'll just take at face value:  The Fool doesn't like
it. My kid doesn't like spicy foods, either, for what that's worth,
which is about the same in terms of how I live my life.

For those who would like to think about this, I enjoyed reading the


I cannot vouch for the web site or whether those of us more versed in
neuroscience would find this page outrageous quackery, but (before it
goes off talking about "enlightenment" and so forth) the science that
it uses to underlie its arguments seems sound.

Dave "ENFP" Land


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