On 7/23/06, Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 08:33 PM Sunday 7/23/2006, Nick Arnett wrote:
>The last two days, my little indoor/outdoor thermometer has recorded a
>temp of 117 degrees.

I suppose I should clarify that that was the maximum recorded
outsidetemperature.  The maximum inside temp was ... good heavens, 97
degrees.  In
my office!  But I think it has mostly been 77-82 in here, with A/C and
ceiling fans working all too hard.

Now I'm wondering when it hit 97... I suspect it was while the thermometer
was on top of my display, which, despite being a flat panel, puts out some

it's down to 95 now, at 8 pm... .and we still don't care to walk the dog.
Nor does the dog seem especially inclined to keep moving much.  He wants to
go for a walk, but I know I'll end up carrying him home if we go as far as
he wants to go.

I feel like I'm blogging.  Hmmm.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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