Julia Thompson wrote:
>> [*] take mountain with a grain of salt. About 500 meters is the highest
>> it gets.
> If I'm taking a 500-meter mountain, I'm going to want more than just 
> one grain of salt with it.  :)
Ok, but what I am trying to say is that, despite being the
size of Continental USA + 1/2 Alaska, Brazil does not have any
big mountains. Those that settled our territory, apparently,
took almost all of South America that were outside of the
Andes :-)

The highest peak is at 3000 meters; compare this to other 
similiar-sized countries: Russia: 5642; China: 8848;
Canada: 5959, USA: 6194, India: 7816, Argentina: 6982, 
Mexico: 5636, Antarctica: 4892. Source:

Yes, if the seas rise, we will be the first to vanish! :-)

Alberto Monteiro


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