On 2 Sep 2006 at 18:42, Richard Baker wrote:

> Andrew said:
> > The ONLY given with a militant atheist is that he is driven by hatred
> > and intolerence. Whuch you are.
> But am I?

I don't see you posting constant slams and digs at the slightest 
opportunity against religious people, you don't make posts with 
titles which are propaganda pieces, and you act in a rational 
fashion. So...I clearly can't describe you as militant.

There is nothing wrong with atheism, and your stance of this list is 
frankly not militant. It's when zealots of any stripe, as WTG clear 
is, push intollerence and bigotry that there are issues.

To be clear, it is the militant stance and the intollerence which he 
pushes which are the issue. The atheism aspect simply..gives a lack 
of external reference to precisely how dangerous that bigotry is.

Dawn Falcon


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