> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Richard Baker
> Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 1:29 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Pope prepares to embrace theory of intelligent design

> This being the case, it seems to me that these religions imply that
> humanity was supposed or intended to exist in the universe.

Well, if Wheeler is right, that's by definition because the universe
requires a primitive act of registration. :-)  Other intelligent beings
would produce different interfaces.  All one really has to do is take the
original intent of the passage in Genesis and extend it.  

> I can't help but say that it looks to me like religious people
> struggling to hold onto vague and metaphorical versions of ideas
> whose exact and literal versions have been shown to be extremely
> unlikely indeed by the progress of science.

But, the literal version, at least within the Judaic-Christian tradition,
has never been intended to hold statements like "man was made in the image
of God" to imply a God with two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two arms and two
legs.  God, by definition, was transcendent.  

Let me give two good examples of this in Hebrew Scriptures: the first is the
anathema of Israel creating an idol of Yahweh.  The second is the mockery of
those who have a concrete understanding of God in Isaiah. 

Going to the general topic, I'd be very surprised if the Pope would embrace
intelligent design.  It would undo over 100 years of Catholic teaching on
the subject of evolution.  It would also contradict a very recent official
article in the Vatican newspaper which regarded a cardinal's support of
intelligent design as "unfortunate."  Cardinals, on occasion, speak out on
their own.  Vatican officials do not publish in the official Vatican
newspaper on their own.  The latter is usually considered policy.

Finally, only one papal pronouncement has been declared infallible since the
existence of papal infallibility was declared at Vatican I, in the 19th
century.  The rest of the statements didn't meet the requirements.

Dan M.


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