At 09:04 PM Wednesday 9/13/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 9/13/2006 7:26:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

_If_ humans have a spirit (which seemed to be a basic enough assumption in the context not to have to state it explicitly :P) ,

All we  can say for sure is that if a
living human being requires some sort of  spirit
or essence or katra or whatever you call it then
at some point  prior to a live birth such an
entity must enter or become associated with  the
unborn child.  IIRC there are some religions
which believe  that the baby acquires a spirit or
whatever they call it when s/he takes  his/her first breath outside the womb.

We can say this for sure? How about humans like all other animals are pure
meat. What we call the soul and what early people called elan vitale or soul or
 mind or the little version of me who sits inside my head at a really big
control board with switches and buttons (like "stomach") and by the way has to have an even smaller version of me inside its head and so forth and so on all
the way  down to the infinitely small) is just the actions of a human brain
experiencing  itself.

-- Ronn!  :)


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