--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nick wrote:
>  Is there
> some reason I'm not
> > aware of that you and your network of highly
> placed acquaintances
> > would need to be notified if we were planning an
> act of high treason?

In his rush to play the man instead of the ball, Nick
completely misses the point of my posts.  The whole
thrust of my argument is precisely that, for there to
be a conspiracy of the type alleged, thousands of
_perfectly ordinary_ people would have to be involved.
 Not nefarious actors with malevolent links to Saudi
financiers.  Just engineers, scientists, civil
servants, businessmen, and even students.  If Nick
were to plot high treason, we'd never know - well,
until he was caught, of course.  But for this type of
conspiracy to have occurred - one in which the towers
were destroyed by explosives inside the building, and
then the evidence of this suppressed after the attacks
- then literally thousands of people would have to be
involved in the coverup, because that's how many
people were involved in the investigation and/or have
the skills to identify flaws in the published reports
about the investigation.  The number of people
involved is so large that even a graduste student
without wealth or political connections would have to
know many, many people involved - so many that for me
not to have noticed _something_ strange going on would
take either heroic stupidity or active connivance. 
Either of those is possible, of course.  Jonathan had
the courtesy to disclaim any such beliefs, but Nick
does not need to, of course.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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