On 26 Oct 2006 at 15:56, Nick Arnett wrote:

> On 10/26/06, Andrew Crystall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > You ARE denying it, and "leftover" warheads, right. Over FIVE HUNDRED
> > leftover warheads, right.
> Oh, I'm sorry, I missed the memo that said we get to count degraded old
> non-working warheads as a "stockpile."  Must be in this pile of old and
> degraded documents on my desk somewhere.


> "Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons

Yes. And several hundred more since then. That's NOT an insignificant 
number, as you keep on claiming.

> Let's see... the invasion took place in 2003.  Those weapons were build
> before 1991.  Close enough!  Obviously they had an active chemical weapons
> program and stockpiles of chemical weapons.  What's a decade or so
> difference when we're at war against terror?  And who cares if they DON'T
> WORK, the point is... what's the point?

Who cares if you can't be bothered to read that shells from the SAME 
era were active as late as early 2004, and used in roadside bombs. As 
soon as the chemicals mix, the Sarin itself will degrade inside a 
month - more realistically, given the likely purity of the Sarin, 
three weeks.

> No. You don't GET "duds" with binary Sarin rounds. The two used for
> > roadside bombs in 2004 were still un-mixed, and very dangerous. Other
> > rounds from the same era, in 2004, would of been the same. Yes, more
> > recently they've found hundreds of similar rounds, mixed and since
> > degraded. Given Iraq's sarin would have a life of no more than three
> > weeks after mixing and the fact the seals between the portions had
> > degraded...that degredation looks relatively (post-invasion) recent.

> -- the precursors don't get mixed until the weapon is detonated.  And since,
> as the Pentagon said, these warheads were non-functional, how would they
> have gotten mixed?  Where are you getting these allegations?  Or did you zip
> off to Iraq and have a look yourself?

They are non-functional BECAUSE the seals degraded and the chemicals 
mixed (or the shells cracked..which frankly is unbelieveable for that 
many rounds). The precursors are stable chemicals which have a shelf 
life of decades, however the canisters used to seal the chemical 
chambers away from each other, again, degrade.
> "What makes this relevant now is the ongoing speculation about the source of
> the sarin chemical artillery shell that the US military found rigged as an

ONE shell. Not 500. The origion of most of the shells is clear, and 
they were
not duds.

> Your blatent lies and historical revisionism.. well, when do we get
> > to the holocaust denial? Because THAT is another logical progression,
> > from the little popular historical re-writings to the major ones, as
> > paranoia progresses. Seen it all before, in formerly rational people.
> Oh, look, we just DID get there.  Please close that door yourself, since you
> opened it.  I'll take it as the traditional Internet signal of rhetorical
> desperation.  "You, you, you -- Nazi!  I win!!!"

Well done, you trumped yourself. I never said it, you did. People 
REALLY need to think before invoking Godwin's law. It also proves my 
point - Godwin's law is itself a paranoid conspiracy meme. (Right up 
there with "Won't someone think of the children".)

Dawn Falcon


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